07 868 2565
Course Overview
A telescopic handler, also called a telehandler, teleporter, or boom lift, is a machine widely used in the agriculture and infrastructure industries. It is somewhat like a forklift but has a boom (Telescopic cylinder), making it more a crane than a forklift, with the increased versatility of a single telescopic or articulating boom that can extend forwards and upwards from the vehicle. On the end of the boom the operator can fit one of several attachments, such as a bucket, pallet forks, muck grab, or winch. Due to these cross overs and complexities, it is essential operators fully understand the machine they operate.
Attendees will be assessed through theory and practical skills of the telehandler applications including;
Course Prerequisites
NZQA Unit Standards
23637: Operate a telehandler - Level 3, Credits 20
16701: Demonstrate knowledge and skills for driving on a road for endorsement W (wheels) - (if not held already) - Level 3, Credits 3
Attendance Numbers: Minimum 4 -maximum 8
Course Duration: Approx. 6 - 8 hours full course
Course Location: Delivered on customer’s site
Course Cost: $540.00+gst per person (Telehandler Operator)
Course Cost: $650.00+gst per person (Telehandler & Wheels Endorsement)
Mileage: $120.00+gst to Auckland, Hamilton & Tauranga and $1+gst per km everywhere else
Machine hire may be additional depending on attendee numbers
(Minimum number charges will be applied if minimum numbers are not met)
For more information, please refer to the trainee handbook or the student information section of our website.
07 868 2565