07 868 2565
Course Aim
At the successful completion of this course a trainee will be able to: identify criteria where the Safety Observer (SO) is required to control, monitor and maintain safety for activity; hazardous environments and activities requiring safety observer control; the safety observer responsibilities; and emergency response measures.
This is based on a generic safety observer system unless company specifics are sent ahead of time.
Course Overview
Theory lessons covering the following:
NZQA Unit Standard
17596: Demonstrate knowledge of safety observer responsibilities in the workplace
Level 3 Credits 8
Attendance Numbers Minimum of 4, maximum of 14 per session
Course Duration Approx. 6 hours
Course Location TBC
Course Cost $270.00+gst per person
Mileage: $120.00+gst to Auckland, Hamilton & Tauranga and
$1+gst per km everywhere else
(Minimum number charges will be applied if minimum numbers not met)
For more information, please refer to the trainee handbook or the student information section of our website: www.https://www.most.kiwi.nz/student-information
07 868 2565