07 868 2565
Course Overview
Custom working at Heights safety course delivered on-site or at our facility, giving trainees both the theory and practical knowledge to ensure they are well equipped to rise above and beyond safely.
Site Supervisors (at least one employee per site)
15757: Use, install, and disestablish temporary proprietary height safety systems when working at height (this is on this course).
When delivered at our facility the course will involve multiple scenarios using our custom built and dedicated facility.
NZQA Unit Standards
17600: Explain safe work practices for working at heights - Level 3, Credits 3 (this unit also meets EWP Best Practice Guidelines)
23229: Use safety harness system when working at height - Level 3 Credits 4
15757: Use, install, and disestablish temporary proprietary height safety systems when working at height - Level 3 Credits 4
25045: Employ height safety equipment in the workplace - Level 3 Credits 4
Course Prerequisites
(If you do not have these currently in place this course will teach you, and enable you to write and implement them for your business).
We will provide examples and templates for the training
Attendance Numbers: Minimum 4 - maximum 10
Course Duration: Approx. 16 hours
Course Location: TBC
Course Cost: $590.00+gst per person
Mileage: $120.00+gst to Auckland, Hamilton & Tauranga and $1+gst per km everywhere else
(Minimum number charges will be applied if minimum numbers not met)
For more information, please refer to the trainee handbook or the student information section of our website.
07 868 2565