07 868 2565
Course Overview
Isolation and Lockout is one of the safety cornerstones of any organisation; the ability for operators and maintenance people to be able to access and work on equipment and machinery without being harmed is paramount it is not just about electricity!
There must be an understanding of what the energy sources are on equipment, including what stored energy is, and how to control or remove it.
This course will give you the necessary knowledge to identify when you need to apply isolation procedures and how to lockout or reinstate machinery.
You will have the opportunity to conduct multiple tag out and lockout scenarios, to reinforce your understanding and skill application.
Course Prerequisites
If you do not have these currently in place this course will teach you and enable you to write and implement them for your business. We will provide examples and templates for the training.
NZQA Unit Standards
25043: Lockout and reinstate machinery in the workplace - Level 3, Credits 4
Attendance Numbers: Minimum 4 - maximum 14
Course Duration: Approx. 4 hours
Course Location: Delivered on customers’ site
Course Cost: $253.00+gst per person
Mileage: $120.00+gst to Auckland, Hamilton & Tauranga and $1+gst per km everywhere else
(Minimum number charges will be applied if minimum numbers not met)
For more information, please refer to the trainee handbook or the student information section of our website.
07 868 2565