07 868 2565
Despite common beliefs that the office provides a safe environment to work in, many hazards do exist which contribute to thousands of injuries and health problems among office workers. Everyone forgets that an office or administration area is subject to the same Health and Safety Law as everywhere else. Don't get caught talking round the water cooler!
Learn about the risks and hazards in your office.
3 - 4 Hour Duration
NZQA Unit Standard: Non-unit standard based learning (courses can be customized to include suitable units)
Attendance Numbers: Dependent on customized course
Course Duration: Dependent on customized course
Course Location: TBC
Course Cost: Dependent on customized course
Mileage: $120+gst to Auckland, Hamilton & Tauranga and $1+gst per km everywhere else
(Minimum number charges will be applied if minimum numbers not met)
For more information, please refer to the trainee handbook or the student information section of our website.
07 868 2565