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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Essentials

Course Aim

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be provided as necessary where hazards and risks remain present or encountered that are capable of causing injury or impairment other controls have been considered and implemented. 

It is not just as simple as giving out PPE, you and your workers must be trained to use it correctly, when to issue it and understand it’s limitations as well as intended purpose.

Whilst PPE is the least effective control measure on the hierarchy of control it is still extremely effective as long as it is issued, used and managed correctly.

Course Overview
Theory lessons covering the following: 

  • The HSWA Act, an overview
  • Types and purpose of PPE
  • Risk assessment
  • When and how to wear it
  • How to inspect monitor and look after issued PPE

NZQA Unit Standard: Non-Unit standard based learning

Attendance Numbers: Minimum of 3 - maximum of 15 

Course Duration: Approx. 4 hours

Course Location: TBC

Course Cost: $220.00+gst per person

Mileage: $120.00+gst to Auckland, Hamilton & Tauranga and $1+gst per km everywhere else

(Minimum number charges will be applied if minimum numbers not met)

For more information, please refer to the trainee handbook or the student information section of our website.