07 868 2565
Course Aim
At the successful completion of this course a trainee will be able to: understand the essentials of the Permit to Work system, implementing the system and how to monitor its effectiveness in your role as a Permit receiver.
This course is based on a generic permit system unless company system provided ahead of time.
Course Overview
Theory and practical lessons covering the following:
NZQA Unit Standard
17588: Apply for, accept and carry out work according to a work permit in the workplace - Level 3 Credits 4
Attendance Numbers: Minimum 4 - maximum 14
Course Duration: Approx. 6 hours
Course Location: TBC
Course Cost: $311.00+gst per person
Mileage: $120.00+gst to Auckland, Hamilton & Tauranga and $1+gst per km everywhere else
(Minimum number charges will be applied if minimum numbers not met)
For more information, please refer to the trainee handbook or the student information section of our website.
07 868 2565